Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tomorrow - A Day to Remember

I turn 27 tomorrow.  I would like a new electric shaver and a uni-lazy.  A uni-lazy is basically a onesie for adults with a hood.  I really want one.  I've outgrown my last one.  I don't mean this as a joke meaning I haven't had one since I was a child.  I mean I had a red fleece onesie in college, but after going through the wash it shrunk.

These amazing, practical and fashionable adult onesies can be found at


righthere.rightnow. said...

So... did you get one?

Unknown said...

Not yet. But I hold on to hope.

Unknown said...

Yes, I did end up getting one from my parents. It's awesome and comfy and warm. I only wish I had had it for the DTS.